It’s a 3-day weekend here in the US of A, so what better way to spend it than learning about new and exciting data structures?
(Rhetorical question!)
A naïve way to find the longest palindromic substring of an input string is to start from every possible center-of-a-palindrome and work outwards, adding the next letter from each side until those letters aren’t equal. The center could either be a letter, or it could be in between 2 letters - so for string of length n there will be 2n + 1 centers. This makes our naïve approach O(n^2). Not a terrible first stab, but we can do better.
Palindrome Trees do this in O(n) (technically quasilinear, but we dutifully ignore constants with big O notation). They’re not the first algorithm to do so - Manacher’s Algorithm is from 1975 - but they’re proposed as an improvement with smaller space usage.
What’s neat about Palindrome Trees is that they’re super new - the paper just came out in 2015, and I could only find a handful of blogs about them (between Geeks for Geeks post and Adilet’s post it was pretty easy to get up to speed, but I appreciated Alessio’s post for pointing me to the academic paper ). I saw a number of C/++ versions, and Alessio’s Java solution, so I thought I’d try my hand at a python one, just for fun.
The code’s up in my first ever gist , but this also seemed like a good excuse to add syntax highlighting to this website (via Rouge), so in celebration:
debug_prints = False
class PalindromeTreeNode :
# Important to note: we don't use start_index and end_index much
# Because if this node is 'bb' and our string is 'abbacabbac' we'll see 'bb' twice
# So we use the length to calculate where in the full string the start index would be
# Each time we run across this node
# The start and end indices are useful for printing out this node though
start_index = 0
end_index = 0
length = 0
suffix_index = 0
node_index = 0
# Any palindrome can have up to 26 child palindromes
# So we store the node index, in the palindromic tree, where each one lives
# (If it doesn't exist, its letter isnt in the dict)
child_palindrome_node_index = {}
def __init__ ( self , ** kwargs ):
if "start_index" in kwargs :
self . start_index = kwargs . pop ( "start_index" )
if "end_index" in kwargs :
self . end_index = kwargs . pop ( "end_index" )
if "length" in kwargs :
self . length = kwargs . pop ( "length" )
if "suffix_index" in kwargs :
self . suffix_index = kwargs . pop ( "suffix_index" )
self . child_palindrome_node_index = {}
class PalindromeTree :
nodes = []
prev_node_index = 0
magic_imaginary_node_index = 0
magic_null_string_node_index = 1
# Push on the 2 base nodes
def __init__ ( self ):
# First node is for single-letter palindromes
# It starts with length -1 because after you add on the letter to each side
# It becomes length 1 - kind of weird but okay
# Its longest suffix (not itself) is set to itself, because what else would it be??
# Note that start_index needs to be -1 for our insert to work
self . nodes . append ( PalindromeTreeNode ( start_index =- 1 , end_index =- 1 , length =- 1 , suffix_index = self . magic_imaginary_node_index ))
self . nodes [ 0 ] . node_index = 0
# Second node is the base for 2-letter palindromes
# It's a null string
# Its length is 0, and then when you add on the letter to each side
# It becomes length 2 - totally normal
# Its longest suffix (not itself) is the imaginary node 0
self . nodes . append ( PalindromeTreeNode ( start_index =- 1 , end_index =- 1 , length = 0 , suffix_index = self . magic_imaginary_node_index ))
self . nodes [ 1 ] . node_index = 1
def find_parent_and_create_child ( self , s , index ):
new_letter = s [ index ]
# Go back through the train of parent node connections until we find the right one
# Might end up being our first magic node
parent_palindrome_node = self . nodes [ self . prev_node_index ]
while True :
parent_palindrome_start_index = index - parent_palindrome_node . length
# The parent_palindrome_start_index needs to be at least 1, so that we can check the cell before it
# If the cell before the suffix is equal to our new letter then it can be a palindrome
# In the event where the parent_palindrome_node is our magic first node:
# parent_palindrome_start_index will be index+1
# so it'll be >= 1, and then it'll compare new_letter to itself
# In the event where parent_palindrome_node is our magic second node:
# parent_palindrome_start_index will be index
# so for the first letter it won't be >= 1
# which is okay - the second node is for palindromes like "bb" not "b"
# but for all letters afterwards it will be >= 1
# so then it'll check our new_letter with the previous one, to see if they're the same
if parent_palindrome_start_index >= 1 and new_letter == s [ parent_palindrome_start_index - 1 ]:
parent_palindrome_node = self . nodes [ parent_palindrome_node . suffix_index ]
# Now that we have our suffix (could be a magic node, could be a real palindrome)
# Check to see if the palindrome (new_letter suffix new_letter) is already in the tree
# i.e. check to see if the suffix already has an edge index for new_letter
# If it is already in the tree, we don't insert anything new
# Just update our prev_node_index counter to point to the node that has the new palindrome
# So that next insert we can try to build on it
# this might be the case in e.g.
# bbabba
# we would already have 'bb' when we get to it the 2nd time
if new_letter in parent_palindrome_node . child_palindrome_node_index :
self . prev_node_index = parent_palindrome_node . child_palindrome_node_index [ new_letter ]
if debug_prints :
print ( "Parent node index is" , parent_palindrome_node . node_index , "This node already exists" )
return None
# Create a new node for this new entry
new_palindrome_length = parent_palindrome_node . length + 2
new_node_start = index - new_palindrome_length + 1
new_node = PalindromeTreeNode ( start_index = new_node_start , end_index = index , length = new_palindrome_length )
# Append the node to our nodes array and update its index accordingly
self . nodes . append ( new_node )
new_node . node_index = len ( self . nodes ) - 1
# Update the suffix node to have its directed edge for the new letter point to our new node
parent_palindrome_node . child_palindrome_node_index [ new_letter ] = new_node . node_index
self . prev_node_index = new_node . node_index
return parent_palindrome_node
def set_child_suffix_node ( self , s , index , parent_node ):
new_letter = s [ index ]
child_node = self . nodes [ len ( self . nodes ) - 1 ]
# Magic base case: if the palindrome is length 1, its suffix is the magic null node
if child_node . length == 1 :
child_node . suffix_index = self . magic_null_string_node_index
# Similarly to how we did in find_parent_and_create_child
# We trace back through the suffix edges until we find the right one
# But instead of trying to find the palindrome parent
# We're trying to find the suffix palindrome
# So we go all the way back until we find a match
# And then go forward to their child palindrome
# Kind of weird but okay
suffix_node = self . nodes [ parent_node . suffix_index ]
while True :
suffix_start_index = index - suffix_node . length
if suffix_start_index >= 1 and new_letter == s [ suffix_start_index - 1 ]:
suffix_node = self . nodes [ suffix_node . suffix_index ]
child_node . suffix_index = suffix_node . child_palindrome_node_index [ new_letter ]
def insert ( self , s , index ):
if debug_prints :
print ( "Inserting letter" , s [ index ], "at index" , index )
parent_node = self . find_parent_and_create_child ( s , index )
if parent_node is not None :
self . set_child_suffix_node ( s , index , parent_node )
tree = PalindromeTree ()
s = "abbalrcabbac"
longest_palindrome = ""
longest_palindrome_node = None
# Build the tree and cache off the longest palindrome
for i in range ( 0 , len ( s )):
tree . insert ( s , i )
latest_node = tree . nodes [ tree . prev_node_index ]
if latest_node . length > len ( longest_palindrome ):
longest_palindrome = s [ latest_node . start_index : latest_node . end_index + 1 ]
longest_palindrome_node = latest_node
# Print all nodes in the tree
if debug_prints :
for i in range ( 2 , len ( tree . nodes )):
cur_node = tree . nodes [ i ]
print ( i - 2 , "= " , s [ cur_node . start_index : cur_node . end_index + 1 ])
print ( longest_palindrome )