You have to howl at the moon when it comes up at 10am. It's the rules.
You have to howl at the moon when it comes up at 10am. It's the rules.

This past weekend was the Eclipse, and I drove down to Dallas, OR for it. For the most part, the weekend was great. I would have no regrets if I didn’t get so grumpy when I’m tired. You don’t even have to say anythng mean, just impatience and being a bad sport is enough to offend people. Which, I get. But it sucks to end a weekend on a harsh word.

So, I won’t end the post on a harsh word.

We booked a campsite on a farm (Butterfly Falls) and had 90 other families for our eclipse fam. We played frisbee and encouraged the neighboring kids to join in, taught them to play Pandemic, found a cute froyo shop, watched a movie in Salem, explored the farm, picked blackberries, took a bazillion photos, howled when totality hit, gazed in awe at the stars, clung to each other, and then sat through 12 hours of traffic to make it home the same day.

It was relaxing and magical and real. Go watch an eclipse you guys. Argentina 2019. Montreal 2024. Sydney 2028. I’ll see you there.

A photo of an eclipse A photo of an eclipse A photo of an eclipse
Eclipse fam